Village of Edgewood - Watermain Replacement

The Village of Edgewood was experiencing frequent breaks and low pressure along the existing watermain resulting in a health and safety risk to its residents.  In 2016 the Village was awarded a $450,000 DCEO CDBG Grant which it leveraged with $150,000 in USDA Rural Development funds, for a total project cost of $600,000.  The Grant monies are being used to construct approximately 12,100 lineal feet of watermain, hydrants, service line, meters, and other related cost to address the aging infrastructure.  Followell Construction is the contractor and should complete the project in the Spring of 2017.

Milano & Grunloh Engineers, LLC prepared the grant application, and  provided grant administration, design engineering, and construction engineering for the project.  Thank you to the Village of Edgewood for your confidence and allowing us to be a part of your project.


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